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Karen Kelly Boyce

Karen Kelly Boyce

Karen Kelly Boyce lives in Warren County, New Jersey with her retired husband and her black Labrador named Darby. She has two grown children and two grandchildren. When she retired as a registered nurse, she rekindled her love of reading and writing. She has written for Canticle, Soul, and RN magazines. She has four published novels, According to Thy Word, Into the Way of Peace, Down Right Good, and In the Midst of Wolves. The first three have received the Seal of Approval from the Catholic Writer's Guild. Down Right Good received the 2012 Eric Hoffer Award for commercial fiction and was a finalist for the Montaigne Medal. When her grandchildren were born, Karen started a children's series called The Sisters of the Last Straw. This series is full of humorous mysteries that are solved by a group of misfit nuns. There have been eight volumes (and counting!) published by TAN Books. Book #3, The Case of the Stolen Rosary, has been awarded third place for best Children's book by the Catholic Press Association. She is also writing a trilogy for middle-grade students. The first in the series is Jenna's Journey. She is currently working on a fifth novel and the second volume of her middle-grade trilogy.