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Spiritual Direction from Dante (MP3 Audio Download)

Hell and how to avoid it are perennial topics of interest for believing Christians and even others—with good reason. Entire libraries have


Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Jason B.

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Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Adam S.

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Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Alex P.

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Hell and how to avoid it are perennial topics of interest for believing Christians and even others—with good reason. Entire libraries have been written on the subject. In Spiritual Direction from Dante: Avoiding the Inferno, Oratorian Father Paul Pearson takes readers on a new journey through Dante Alighieri's depiction of hell, this time from the angle of spiritual direction.
Most people, even those familiar with his classic, do not realize that Dante’s Divine Comedy, chock-full as it is of history and politics, is a masterpiece of spiritual writing. The most famous of his three volumes is the Inferno, an account of Dante's journey through the underworld, where he sees the horror of sin firsthand.  Join Dante and—guided by Fr. Pearson—with him:
  • Learn that the sufferings of the souls in hell are the natural consequences of the spiritual disorder of their sinful actions.
  • Develop a profound hatred for sin, not merely because it offends God, but because it will destroy your soul and thwart your happiness, both on earth and for eternity.
  • Observe the horrible punishments of the damned and be shocked into a state of enlightened self-interest.
  • Armed with the knowledge of what sin does to us, resolve to fight against it with all your strength. 
  • Realize that this literary journey through hell is intended to lead you to heaven.
Fr. Pearson begins his 3-part exposition of Dante's Divine Comedy from a spiritual lens, focusing  first on those miserable souls who refused to forsake their earthly transgressions and deliberately chose eternity without God. A reading experience like no other, Spiritual Direction from Dante: Avoiding the Inferno will both educate and entertain you, but most important, will help you avoid the inferno!
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