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Apologetics (eBook)

Does God exist? How can we know? Why is one religion better than any other—or why is any religion good at all? Doesn't science disprove s


Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Jason B.

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Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Adam S.

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Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Alex P.

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Does God exist? How can we know?

Why is one religion better than any other—or why is any religion good at all?

Doesn't science disprove supernatural phenomena?

Isn't religion just old psychological superstition?


These are just a few of the kinds of questions posed to Catholics in today's world—seemingly in ever harsher and more vitriolic tenor, as well. Sadly, in modern times, the Catholic Faith is assaulted from all sides—even by many within the Church herself. It has therefore never been more important to defend the teachings of the Church in the fullness of truth and orthodoxy. Apologetics: A Philosophic Defense and Explanation of the Catholic Religion by Msgr. Paul Glenn provides an excellent defense of Catholicism suited just for this purpose for the laity and for apologists. In understandable and concise wording, such topics are covered as:

  • Proofs for the existence of God;
  • His nature, attributes and action on the world;
  • The nature of religion;
  • The necessity and fact of supernatural revelation;
  • And a wealth more!

In addition, the specifics of Catholic doctrine, including Christology, ecclesiology, and scriptural theology find ample coverage in this marvelous treatment of the whole of Catholic doctrine from the point of view of its defense. If you are looking to defend Christ, the Catholic Church, and her holy religion, look no further than Apologetics to provide you with all the knowledge necessary to begin this task.

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Grand Total: $37.87
