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The Blessed Sacrament: The Works and Ways of God (eBook)

Fr. Frederick William Faber was one of the greatest Catholic writers in the English language of the 19th century. Initially an Anglican priest, h


Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Jason B.

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Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Adam S.

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Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Alex P.

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Fr. Frederick William Faber was one of the greatest Catholic writers in the English language of the 19th century. Initially an Anglican priest, he found his way into the Catholic Church through the preaching of St. John Henry Newman and the Oxford Movement, eventually being ordained as an Oratorian priest. His works are numerous, and each satisfies a different part of the soul's need for knowledge and strengthening in the Catholic religion.

Fr. Faber's brilliant work on the Eucharist, The Blessed Sacrament: The Works and Ways of God considers the magnificent gift Our Lord has given us in this holiest of mysteries: the Mystery of His very Body and Blood. His aim is to inspire a reverential awe and love for God's greatest work, the compendium of all miracles, and Summit of the Sacraments. Included are Fr. Faber's insights into the theology of transubstantiation (rendered all the more useful by Fr. Faber's upbringing in and countering of Protestant denials of this truth), as well as descriptions of Our Lord's five Eucharistic sufferings. Fr. Faber urges reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

As usual, Fr. Faber ranges over the entire Catholic Faith in this work, not limiting his wisdom's scope, and enlightening our minds and inflaming our souls with a more deeply Catholic outlook on life.

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