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The Evolution Hoax Exposed (eBook)

In this compact survey, author A. N. Field argues his stance that evolutionism is scientifically untenable. He brings forward the facts which ena


Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Jason B.

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Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Adam S.

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Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Alex P.

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In this compact survey, author A. N. Field argues his stance that evolutionism is scientifically untenable. He brings forward the facts which enabled him to recognize the modem university college as a machine for de-Christianizing and demoralizing the community.

This powerful and reasonable book provides a substantial and rational counter to what is often offered as evidence to support the theory of evolution. It gives extensive scientific arguments that all species reproduce themselves exactly, over the period that we have evidence of their existence. Because evolution is generally accepted in the educational world, every student and every teacher and professor should examine the thesis of this work. Originally published in 1941 under the title Why Colleges Breed Communists, this book shows the connection between a Spencerian conception of social evolution, riding on the coattails of Darwin's theories into an all-encompassing evolutionistic philosophy, and Marxism, the latter of which necessarily involves our understanding of how life comes to be. A fundamental mistake in so basic a concept can lead to all manner of error and abuse in the scientific, philosophic, theological and social spheres, the effects of which have been seen in the 20th century and beyond.

In his chapter. "Evolution's Offspring," Field opens up a fruitful line of research, and reveals the origin of much of the spiritual and intellectual unrest of our times. This is generated by the willful abandonment of Scripture; yet there are signs that the wheel is coming full circle. Again, one here, one there, is prompted to return to, and to dare to believe what God has written.

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