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The Imitation of St. Joseph

Author : Fr. Matthew Kauth

"The Imitation of St. Joseph is a wonderful personal encounter Fr. Kauth has with St. Joseph in order to bring out the realism of the spiritual l


Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Jason B.

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Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Adam S.

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Absolutely loved every page. It was a wonderful read! Wisdom and praise is all that this...

Alex P.

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"The Imitation of St. Joseph is a wonderful personal encounter Fr. Kauth has with St. Joseph in order to bring out the realism of the spiritual life with some help from St. Thomas Aquinas. This book enables the reader to find in St. Joseph what is common to all of us, namely, how to deal with conflicts, hard decisions and live with mystery of the ordinary stuff from the daily grind of life."   - Fr. Basil, OP

The Church is a city set on a hill and on that hill there is a lighthouse. The Church directs her light this way and that as occasion warrants. That we might not make a shipwreck of our faith (see 1 Tm 1:19), she illuminates dangerous crags and reefs when all the world would tell us the water is clear.

Each age has its heresies, and ours is a hatred of origin, of fatherhood. As an anchor against the wave of patricide, a light in the darkness of our age, the Church has been fixing her light, ever increasingly, on Saint Joseph. It is him to whom we look. He is who we must imitate.

In this illuminating work, Fr. Matthew Kauth opens our eyes to what Joseph saw so that we might imitate what he imitated.

  • Part I examines the teachings of Aquinas to help us understand the depths of our human nature and why we come to love some things more than others, and what it means to imitate that which we love, for better or for worse
  • Part II looks back at Joseph's lineage, providing a sweeping tour of salvation history and the patriarchs of the Old Testament, showing how Joseph was their fulfillment
  • Part III brings us inside the life of the Holy Family, taking us along for their harrowing journeys to Bethlehem and Egypt, and their daily life in Nazareth, to show us how growing closer to Joseph and imitating him binds us to the hearts of Jesus and Mary
  • Part IV closes with a look at our lives today and the life of the Church, and the challenges we face to live a life of virtue in a fallen world, imploring us to turn to Joseph, the Patron of the Universal Church
  • Author

    Fr. Matthew Kauth
  • Publication Date

  • Product Format

    Deluxe Leatherette
  • SKU

  • Pdf

  • Pages




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Grand Total: $44.85
